Lawn Work

 Lawn Rototilling / Repair / Grading / Seeding - In Southern NH

Typical Lawn Work

  • If you have a new lot and want material spread around and prepped for seed, the bucket and rake are all that is needed to get a really nice finish.
  • For an existing lawn that needs to be redone, many times you can till the soil, then rake it out. For this we use the bucket the rake and the rototiller. With the rototiller the whole top surface is tilled and mixed up. This will turn the weeds and thatch and chop them all up. This pulls up nutrients in the packed soil and adds nitrogen from all the thatch. Depending on the soil you have, this can be all you need for a beautiful new lawn.
  • For the best results on an old lawn, we rototill, then add fresh material and rake it all in. By adding soil you give the lawn new life. 
  • Any lawn work can be rolled out with our heavy roller if needed.

Fixing up a lawn can be done in many ways, it does not have to cost a fortune to get really good results.

I have tons of jobs posted on FB here if you want to see what I am up to lately.